Life Audit

When did you last take time to reflect on your life?  The things that are going really well, and the areas that could do with some attention.

So many of us have lives that are so busy that we never actually time take to stop and check in with ourselves.

Now is the time…

The Life Audit is a tool to help determine how well you are nourishing the major aspects of your life.  It has been specifically designed to cover not just the obvious health and practical areas of our lives but also our connections to others and ourself.

Using the sliders rate each of the 20 areas of life from 0 – 10, ideally avoid using 7 (Why? So you are really reflecting on if it is an area that needs improvement or part of your life that you are happy with – this will make sense when you start).

Do not spend too long thinking about each category, just go with what your gut says.

If you do not understand what is meant by a category then just go with what it means to you.

Then click on the “Show Results” button, enter your email address and watch your results being displayed in an powerful, visual way.

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